Archive for July, 2008

I’m proud of you baby!

Soy Bean


Look this little baby pod. It suppose to come out after small white flower, Can you see tiny one nearly on the bottom? I didn’t notice at all till today but there are few following this baby.



 Shungiku - Edible Chrysanthemum


I have tried some Shungiku today and it was mild taste but nice! I found out this one “Edible Chrysanthemum” wasn’t a common Japanese Shungiku but “Garland Chrysanthemum” is, and I have order some. However, taste wise I am happy with this one as well.


Start enjoying total circle of vegitable gardning mainly eating part!

Jazz, Harvest, Cooking and more!

What a nice treat from my share mate! I went to Sydney Opera House for James Morrison “Legends of Jazz Tour” (his shout!) last night. It was great! I haven’t had a decent music concert for quit sometime. Thanks bro!!!


First Harvests

Now, I had a first harvest today. Bok Choy and Komatsuna. hmmmmm fresh!
Some Bok Choy went to my neighbour for a few eggs as exchange. Komatsuna are not ready yet but I needed to thin them out.
Here are some recipes;



Quickly boiled in salted water, rinse with cold running water. Roughly Squeeze water out and mix with Mayonnaise (Japanese one, less sweet), dash of soy sauce and Japanese Rainbow chilli, finish with a sprinkle of shaved dried Bonito.


Bok Choy

Bok Choy

Stir-fry with sesame oil, add a bit of chicken stock, white pepper and garlic salt, finish with corn flour water for thickening.


For the natives!

I have installed a bird nest box and bath for the native birds. To be honest, more for me to increase a shatter chance of the good photos!

Fairy Penguin adoption

I had a phone call from a guy on the last weekend. I thought it’s again that people trying to sell new phone but it didn’t go that way. He is working (volunteer I think) for the Foundation for National Parks & Wildlife and promoting a Backyard Buddies.

He was nice guy to talk to and he explains to me what Backyard Buddies are well. Now I adopted a penguin.


Penguin Buddy


Please have a look on this website!


backyard buddies 




July 2008

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